Perfect for industries requiring heavy metal removal, the MEGA TURN 600M turning center brings powerful performance and high productivity to large part production. The machine is designed to provide the fastest spindle speeds and rapid traverse rates in its class. As an M configuration, the machine has a rotary tool spindle that allows it to perform secondary machining operations such as milling and drilling. As a result, shops can process parts in a single machine cycle for an overall boost in productivity and workpiece accuracy. The MEGA TURN 600M employs a high-torque integral spindle/motor and high-rigidity drum turret to easily tackle workpieces with maximum machining diameters of 23.62" and workpiece heights of 21.65", depending on chuck specifications. The standard chuck size for this machine is 18", with 21" and 24" options available. MACHINE CHARACTERISTICS: High-torque integral spindle/motor for heavy-duty machining Rigid 12-position drum turret provides rapid t ool indexing 10-hp rotary tool milling capabilities improve overall productivity Accurate C-axis indexing Optional automatic tool changer adds flexibility for all static tooling Linear roller guides provide rigidity and positioning accuracy Efficient chip disposal prevents heat from affecting the machine bed Vertical design allows for easy workpiece loading/unloading Available in mirrored left/right configurations for easy workpiece transfer

Vertical Turning Center
Machine Style(s): Chucker
Spindle Direction: Vertical
Operation Type: CNC
CNC Type: SmoothG
Main Spindle Turning Diameter Max: 23.620"
Main Spindle Turning Length Max: 21.650"
Main Spindle Chuck Diameter: 18.000"
Main Spindle Chuck Diameter Opt: 21.000"
Main Spindle Max Swing: 27.560
Tail Stock Quill And Body: Standard
Single Spindle
Num. Main Spindles: 1
Main Spindle 1:
RPM: 2,200 HP: 40.00 Index Increment:
RPM Opt: HP Opt:
Main Spindle 2:
RPM: 2,200 HP: 40.00 Index Increment:
RPM Opt: HP Opt:
Num. Simultaneous Cutting Tools: 1
Secondary Mill/Drill Function:
On-Center Off-Center With 'C' Axis With 'Y' Axis
Optional Optional Optional Optional
Axes And Travels
Number Of Axes: 2
Travel Max Feed Rate Rapid Traverse
X Axis 13.500"
Y Axis
Z Axis 20.380"
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